
 Welcome to our website.

  God's Refining Turbulent Love........At the end of Elm Street in Fort Bragg is one of the most traveled and frequented on the Mendocino coast. There is no admission fee and people come from miles around and spend hours there looking for treasure. For years it was the dump; "trash beach." First it was the horse and the buggy, then people would back in their pick-ups and unload their trash. Fire would burn away anything that was not enduring. The ocean would flush, rush and crush the contents; each tide and storm would reduce the rubble. What remains today are little pieces of treasure; turbulently turned broken glass of various colors and sizes. It is now known as "Glass Beach." There is even a Bed & Breakfast named after it!

  God promises to redeem our sorrows. He can take the trash of your life and His refining turbulent love can wash the filth away; your mess into a message, your test into a testimony, your brokenness into a blessing, and your stumbling block into a stepping stone. He can carry away the pain as far as the east is from the west and your life can be transformed from trash to treasure. Why not just unload your sorrows, release your pain, give Him your broken pieces and let His refining turbulent love redeem your life?

  Begin your transformation - join us Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. for Worship and Fellowship.
1450 Oak Street
Fort Bragg CA 95437

Fort Bragg Grace Community Church

Rev. Greg Escher, editor: gregescher@gmail.com
Glass beach photo: Rense Miller
Join us Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. for Worship and Fellowship.
Resource Ark
Money Saving Tricks
Lighted Truck Parade
Dec. 2017
Online Studies
Health Page
Sunday School
Newly Remodeled Double Wide
Click here to see more photos of inside.
Construction Trailer. Women's friend turned it into an office. Then Craig Richards put in shower. John Devey put in cabinets in the kitchen. Noah Wotila did the roof. Mathew Russel painted the Colin McCurdy. Dusty Dan donated roofing and fixed elec. Jonathon Shermin.
Lighted Truck Parade Dec. 2020
Church Activities
Poems and Psalms
Bible Basketball